The boys and I had such a fun weekend. Saturday was spent at the state fair riding kiddie rides and eating fair food. I am disappointed because I forgot my camera (seems to be happening a lot these days) and there were some great photo ops. Luckily, my friend Theresa (who came with us and brought her nephew Nolin) got a few pictures with her camera phone. The quality is not great, but I figured I would put a few up anyway.

Here is Joe Finney and B5 in the bumper cars. I thought maybe they were too small to do these, but they were specifically for kiddos under 48 inches. B5 had a blast, but Finney was not too sure about things.

Then we moved on to the bumper boats. This was hilarious. B5 kept complaining that the boats didn't go fast enough....

and Joe Finney kept making his boat go around in circles. I am surprised we didn't have a puke incident afterwards!
On Sunday we went to a birthday party for one of my friends. Kids were invited too, and there was a pool involved, so you know good times were to be had. The second we got there, the boys went straight to the pool, which also had 3 of these water fountains that sprayed from the ground into the pool. Who knew all it took was a little water sprays to keep these boys entertained for so long? You would have thought we gave them chocolate covered ice cream they were so happy. After that, they got in the pool with daddy, and swam around for a while and then had lunch. And this is what they looked like after we got home
Finney just laid there a snuggled with me for the longest time. I love those boys!
And finally, tonight I made pizza (special request) and tomato-cucumber salad. I can't tell you how much I have enjoyed making (eating) this salad this summer. I am very sad because I think my cucumber plants are almost done for the season. I think I am the only one in this family who eats it, but oh well, more for me. So I will leave you with this beautiful picture!
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