So I woke up this morning to what I thought was surely Armageddon. It was pitch black outside but there was this amazing lightening storm like nothing I had ever seen before. And it was pouring down rain. It went on like this for at least, I don't know, 3 or 4 hours. I went ahead and took the boys to school because I had to teach yoga this morning, and when I pulled into the parking lot, I stepped out of the car into what I thought was a huge puddle. The water was well above my ankles, but then when I looked down, I realized that it wasn't a puddle, it was a river. A river right in the middle of that parking lot. I heard on the radio that they had to rescue people from UofL by boat and that the Downtown Library has over a million dollars in damages from the flooding. Crazy day around here. So whats a girl to do with two little boys on such a rainy day? Make cookies of course!

B5 wanted to help, but only with the chocolate part

They love helping mommy clean the bowl.

Chocolate smiles.

The finished product. Husband will be very happy when he gets home from work. These cookies always end up delicious. I use the same recipe every time, one that my my gave me in a cookbook that she made me for a wedding gift. I usually make a double batch, but alas, I was out of vanilla, so one batch was going to have to do for now. These will be gone by tomorrow.
I must have been in a baking mood today. I also made blueberry bran muffins, pancakes, and cinnamon rolls. I guess rain brings out in the baker in me.
That's it for now.
Aww, I wish I was there to help them clean the bowl!