Went in for my 28 week appointment today, and had an ultrasound as well. Everything looked good and Baby Girl is growing right on track. She actually looks a lot like Finn in her ultrasound pictures. It's amazing to me that you can see the baby in so much detail in those things. Also makes me realize just how blessed I am. With my 30
th birthday right around the corner I am becoming increasingly sentimental and aware of my life. Growing up, I thought that at 30 years old I would be living in some fabulous apartment in some big city (Chicago, I'm sure), with a fabulous job, fabulous clothes, and fabulous friends. I would work my fabulous job by day, and then join the girls for drinks at night. That would be my life. How shallow that sounds. And how perfectly God has worked to place me where I am today. I have two beautiful , sweet, feisty little boys. I have an unbelievable husband (who is not very good at surprises). I have the best family you could ever ask for. I get to stay home with my kids and experience
their precious little (well, BIG actually) personalities. I have a few really good close friends who I know will be with me for life. I have a sweet little girl who is going to be arriving sooner rather than later. My heart is full. My heart is content. As the song says "It is well, with my soul."
Enough of the sentiments, on to the pictures...

I took these next couple of pictures after we got home from school on Wednesday (or was it Thursday). We discovered this great new fruit snack called Fruit
Rollup Stickers and the boys have the best time whenever I give them this special treat. B5 made himself a pretty sweet '
stache with his blue "stickers".

My sweet little
Finney clown. You can't beat that smile.

This is the boys building a fort, one of
their favorite activities. They honestly had almost every pillow in the house (and blankets too) to build this architectural beauty. I love that they are so creative, but I am cleaning up pillows at least 17 times a day!

B5 on his "first" day of school. This is technically the second day, but they will never know.

Again, his smile just melts my heart. No wonder he rules the roost around here, he knows how to work me for sure!
Next post will be Part Two of The Nursery Diaries. I have new carpet in the room and also want to share a picture of the beautiful bedding that my mom made for the crib. That's it for now.
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