Better days tomorrow!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
My son, the bully
Better days tomorrow!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
The Nursery Diaries - Chapter 2
Here is what the crib looks like with the skirt on. Mom is still working on the bumpers (decorative purposes only). You can see the husband in the background hanging up the mobile that he picked up today. He has been really into helping me decorate this room. Surprising!
I tried to get a wide shot of the room, but this was all I could get. We painted the rocker the same color gold as the stripes on the ceiling, and are having the cushions recovered in the same fabric as the curtains. I still can't get over how much I love the wainscoting!
A shot of the ceiling with the new light fixture.
This last picture is of the dresser that the husband picked out. I gave him an idea of what I was looking for, and this is what he came up with. We are going to add a changing pad to the top to make it the changing table. Also, I am just trying out that picture to see if I like it in the room. If I do keep it in there, we will be painting the frame either white or gold. Thoughts? Suggestions?
We obviously still have some work to do, but I am excited about where it is going! Next time I will show a close up of the new zebra carpet. It turned out fabulous!
Monday, August 24, 2009
A Fair and a Breakthrough

Finney just laid there a snuggled with me for the longest time. I love those boys!
And finally, tonight I made pizza (special request) and tomato-cucumber salad. I can't tell you how much I have enjoyed making (eating) this salad this summer. I am very sad because I think my cucumber plants are almost done for the season. I think I am the only one in this family who eats it, but oh well, more for me. So I will leave you with this beautiful picture!
Friday, August 21, 2009
28 Down, 10 (or less) to go
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
New Beginnings
Today was also the start of our new carpet/hardwood installation to the whole second floor. I can't even tell you how excited I am about this. Not just because the carpet is fabulous, but because I can finally get the nursery finished. I had been waiting until the carpet came before I purchase a dresser/changing table. And without the dresser, I have not been able to organize baby girls clothes and determine what else I need to get for her. Now I can get everything ready. My plan is to be completely finished by early October in case she decides to come early.
Here is a sneak peak of the carpet that is going in all the bedrooms upstairs
It is a beige tone on tone zebra print. I really had to talk the husband into this one, but seriously, is it not the most fabulous carpet!
That's it for now. I will try to get some pictures up tomorrow of the boys 1st (2nd) day of school!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Art, an Ark, and Aquatics
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Modern Day Picasso
The chicken salad was so good that it would just be wrong not to include the recipe. I got it from the June 2009 ed. of Southern Living Magazine.
Party Chicken Salad
1 Cup chopped pecans
1/2 Cup Mayo
1/4 cup minced sweet onion
2 Tbsp. chopped fresh basil
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp freshly ground pepper
4 cups chopped cooked chicken breast
4 small fresh, firm, ripe peaches, peeled and diced
1. Stir together mayo and next four ingredients in a large bowl. Fold in pecans, chicken, and peaches; cover and chill for 2 hours
That's it. Easy and delicious. Try it for your next party and I guarantee it will disappear quickly!
After lunch we moved the kids outside to burn off some energy. Well, at least my boys needed to burn energy, the other kids were not nearly as wild as mine are. Which brings me to a different topic entirely; whats the deal with my boys being so wild? I mean, I know they are boys and that's just how boys are, but really? I see other moms that have 2 boys and they seem much more well behaved than mine are. I would love any input on this. But I digress....So we take the kids outside and give them paint and an easel, and they are as happy as can be.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Little Farmers
I didn't think we would get Joe Finney on the horse, but he surprised us. He was a little nervous, but I am proud of him.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
A New Adventure
We had orientation at the new school tonight and it seemed to go fairly well. B5 really took to his new classroom and his teachers were very nice. Joe Finney, on the other hand, started shaking the second we walked into the room, and wouldn't let me put him down. I think it will be fine once the newness of it all wears off (fingers crossed). Everyone keeps telling me how wonderful his teacher is, so I am holding to that.
We then rushed off to what I thought was B5's last t-ball game (it wasn't, they rescheduled another game for the game that was rained out on Tuesday). To say that B5 doesn't quite have the focus yet for a team sport might be a bit of an understatement. He spent the whole time in the outfield rolling in the grass and lifting up his shirt. I wish I had brought my camera, but this pregnancy thing has made me very forgetful. A grandparent of one of the teammates made the comment that "B5 will do well in the circus when he grows up". He then proceeded to show me a tattoo of a clown on his bicep. Hmmm, thank you sir. Not quite sure how to take that one.
Now, thankfully, the boys are in bed sleeping peacefully. Its amazing how much the boys look surprisingly like angels when they sleep. Now for the pictures. I am going to do a series of a few blogs called The Nursery Diaries, showing the progress we have made on the nursery. I have decided to do a total overhaul. New wainscoting on the walls, new paint on the walls and stripes on the ceiling, new light fixture, custom window treatments and bedding, refurbished furniture, new carpet. Have I left anything out? The color scheme I went with is pink, white, and metallic gold. Which, by the way, it is very hard to find anything for a girls nursery that is not pink and brown or pink and green. People, if you are listening, not everyone likes those color schemes. How about a little creativity? I'm just sayin. Here is a little sneak peak of what we have done so far.
Here is the new wainscoting my friends dad put up for us. I think it looks amazing. For the paint color, our painter took a fabric swatch in and had it color matched. The husband said it reminds him of Victoria's Secret. Not really the look I was going for, but to me the color is perfect.
The stripes on the ceiling and the light fixture. I can't believe how beautiful these stripes turned out. I love them. I wants stripes on all of my ceilings now. The husband was pretty adamant about "no stripes on the ceiling", but I convinced him otherwise.
A sneak peak at one of the fabrics I selected for the room. I think this will go on the curtains and the glider. Maybe somewhere else too, not sure yet. So what do you think? Am I on to something here? Hope you enjoy as much as I do! Nursery Diaries, Chapter 2 coming soon!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
A cookie for your thoughts
Monday, August 3, 2009
And So It Begins
Thats it for now.