So, lots of things going on around our house lately. Carolena hit the three month mark last Thursday. I did take a picture of her in her crib (which I will post in a minute) but I was too busy hosting Craft Night to get around to posting on the blog. Craft Night was a huge success and a TON of fun. If I would have known that I could have that much fun crafting (and maybe drinking a little wine :)) I would have gotten a group together much sooner!! A couple of people actually completed projects, but there were some of us (I won't mention any names!) who had just as much fun talking about crafting and hanging out with other creative ladies. Again, so much fun, I can't wait until the next one! I'll have to take pictures next time.
Another big day for us was B5's eye surgery today. It was a long exhausting day and I am glad to be done with it. We had to be there at 6:45 am, which came way too early after being up most of the night with my little princess (who, by the way, has a terrible little cough). The nurses gave B5 some Verset, which they appropriately call " goofy juice" to calm him down before they took him back to surgery. He was definitely "goofy" to say the least. At one point he pulled my hair around my chin and said "mommy, you look like a boy". And then a couple of minutes later, "mommy, take a picture of my butt". Take a look at my boy in his total drunken state...

And since I was feeling so guilty about him having to go through surgery, I let the boys pick out their own outfits to wear to grammys house tonight. Don't they look fancy? They wanted to wear the pajama pants that I just made them a couple of days ago. Go figure.
So then I tried taking her out of the crib and got this
and I thought that would have to work. So here goes:
My Sweet Little Carolena, I can't believe you are 3 months old already!! You have the most amazing smile that melts my heart every time. You are getting so vocal already and love to talk to your mommy and grammy. You are also a big fan of grandpa and Uncle Bill. I think you are starting to find your hand and have figured out how to kick things to make things move. You are starting to wake up to the world and are napping much less than before. You are so content and only really cry when you are hungry. You still love taking baths and are starting to roll around just a little bit. I have you sleeping in your chair in mommys room because you are sick right now, and need to be sleeping on an incline. Your grammy made you a really fancy Valentines Day outfit, and I made you an outfit to wear this spring. We are really having fun making you stuff! I love you to pieces my little pumpkin pie!
I have found a really great photographer who not only has been taking beautiful pictures of Carolena, but also shares my love for a things crafty. Check out her blog at to see the pictures she took of Lena. Look under "Baby C @home", and "Baby C".
I will leave you with this picture of the boys on thier "Dance Party Train". I think I wanna hop on!
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