Growing up I was lucky enough to know both sets of my grandparents. We never really lived close to either of them, but I remember getting to see them quite often. For some reason we got started referring to them as the "Black Grandma", and the "White Grandma". I think my dad must have come up with that. And no, it has nothing to do with race :). My Grandma Derby had white hair, and my Grandma
Mula had black hair. So whenever my parents would tell us that we were going to grandma's house, we would always ask, "the black grandma or the white grandma?" I still laugh about that. Probably isn't politically correct, but still funny to me! Anyways, the white grandma was very crafty. She would always be working on something, and really got me excited about crafting. I remember sitting with her and working on Christmas ornaments that opened up so you could put Hershey Kisses in them. I also remember her teaching me how to play cards at a very early age. I have some really great memories of time spent with her. So, since I am feeling nostalgic, I am going to start a series of blogs called Then and Now. Since my mom is so great, she saved me a lot of the clothes that I wore when I was a baby, and I have started putting
Carolena in them. I am going to start posting a picture of myself as a baby wearing the outfit (Then), and a picture of
Carolena wearing the outfit (Now). This first outfit is one that my White Grandma made for me as a baby. It is a white crocheted dress with little blue lines at the top. I didn't have a picture of myself wearing this one, but it was so cute on
Carolena that I had to post it. I can just see my
grammy smiling down on us!

A couple of more pictures of the princess since I can't help myself! Look at this sassy little girl!

I promise to post more pictures of the boys soon. We had a playhouse built in the basement this week so they have been spending a lot of time down there. I will show it off once we get finished with the painting.

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