Carolena, my sweet little princess, my Lena Lou, baby sister, Lena Love,
Carolena Margarita; so many names we have for you! Five months old already! First of all, I love you more and more everyday, little one. The sweet noises you make when you are trying to tell me something and even your precious cry noises are so sweet I can't even get mad when you wake me up a night (which you still do, by the way). This month you had your first taste of rice cereal and kind of enjoyed it. I will probably get you started on baby food sometime later on this month. I was trying to wait until you are six months old, so we will see if you can hold out that long my hungry little girl! You are rolling over from side to side now, and are even trying to sit up on your own. I think by this time next month you will be able to sit up all by yourself. I love the way you give me a big huge smile first thing in the morning and I love how you try to reach up for my face while you are nursing. Your eyes are the color of the ocean in New Smyrna Beach. That is the only way I can describe them. Not really light blue, but not too dark either. Also with a hint of grey. So beautiful. Mommy has been making you all sorts of things to wear this month. The ladies at your Parents Day Out Program said that they can't wait to see what you are wearing every Tuesday/Thursday, so I have gone a little crazy making you things. Everyone says I should start selling the
hairbows I make you, but really I just have fun making them for you!
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