My sweet little Carolena,
I can't believe you are already two months old! Time gets faster and faster with each child. You have blessed my life beyond words and my heart is full. You completed our family and bring us amazing joy each and every day. You are the "sweet little beautiful princess" according to your brothers and Mommy's little angel. You are growing so fast that sometimes I have to take a deep breath and remind myself to take it all in. This month you weighed in at 10 lbs 2 oz. and you are in the 50th percentile for height weight and head (but mommy thinks you are way more than average). You have started laughing and smiling, and even cooing when your grandma talks to you. You love taking baths and would stay in there for a long time if mommy would let you. Whenever you get excited about something, you kick your little right leg like crazy, and mommy thinks it's hilarious. We are still working on the sleeping situation, but we did have two nights in a row where you slept for 6 or 7 hours straight. You love to eat many many times a day, way more than every three hours. But I think it's just because you like to be close to your mom. In general, you are a very happy baby and very content to be held all day long. You love when your brothers get close and talk to you and love having all of the attention on you. But we do have our moments when you just feel like crying. Like, for example, when mommy was trying to take your two month picture...
My sweet girl, we love you more and more every single minute.
In other news, we took a short trip with the husbands sister and her family to Indianapolis this weekend. The boys loved the Indianapolis Children's Museum and we could have gotten some great pictures if only we had remembered to take the camera out of the car. You really need more than one day to go through this museum, there was so much to do and look at. After the museum, we checked in to the hotel and then sent the boys to the pool with the husband, and I went shopping with the sister in law. It wouldn't be a proper trip to Indy without the customary stop at H&M. I picked up some cute sweaters for the boys and some cute sweaters for myself (Sorry B4) and then went back to the hotel to get ready for dinner. By the way, going out to a restaurant and potty training are not really the best idea. And then after dinner we spent a lot of time doing this:
The boys thought it was so cool staying in a hotel and riding on the elevator. So easily entertained!
Back to Louisville (and reality) on Monday, and the boys finally got to get into some of their Christmas presents that we hadn't been able to take out yet. Needless to say, they were pretty happy. Check out my little cheeseballs:
I can't sign off without at least one more picture of my "sweet little princess".
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