Carolena - you are 10 months old today, but most people think you look like you are at least a year. I don't know what to think about that, because to me you are still my sweet little baby girl. I took you to the doctor on Friday and they told me you weighed 20 pounds! No wonder my back has been hurting! You are quite the little rover right now. You are standing on your own and can cruise between furniture. You are also crawling all over the place, and it is time for mommy to put the safety gates back up for sure. You are starting to want to talk and are trying to say "dog" and "ruff". When we were in Florida a couple of weeks ago you LOVED watching the birds and would try to "tweet tweet" with them. You couldn't get enough of the ocean and would sit in the water so that the waves would splash on your legs. Mothers Day Out starts up next week but I am very nervous about taking you because you have been such a mommy's girl (and grandmas girl) lately. I tried to put you in the childcare at church the past two weeks, but have been called out of church to pick you up because you wouldn't stop crying. Do I dare say you are spoiled? Well you are my little princess and I can't seem to help it if I spoil you! You are still the sweetest little girl who smiles all the time. But I think you have developed a mischievous side as well. You are quite the biter, and if you are not biting you are pulling my hair or pinching. But it's all in love, and you and your brothers have made me feel more love than I ever thought was possible!
Love you darlin. So so very much.