On to Boy #1. This picture isn't the best, but I found one quickly so I could tell you a little story about my boy. So yesterday we were outside. I was sitting on the deck with Lena Lou, Joe Finney was resting inside, and Byrd was playing in the sandbox which is across the yard from the deck. After a few minutes of being outside I hear Byrd in the sandbox yelling at something, so I walk over....
Byrd: (muffled yelling) Argh! Argh!
Me: (rushing over)What's wrong??
Byrd: No Mommy, go away, I was talking to God.
Me: OK, I'm sorry. (walking away)
Byrd: (fists waving at the sky) GOD!!! GOD!!! There are ants in my sandbox, can you PLEASE take care of them?!?!
Well I am not sure if God took care of those ants or not, but I was pretty tickled that after 4 years of trying to get him to say his prayers, his picked that moment to start talking (or yelling)to God.
We have had a rough week or so with her. I was trying to wait until she was six months old to introduce solid food to her, but when she was still eating every two hours, I decided to go ahead and start with some rice cereal about a week and a half ago. She loved it. Absolutely tore it up. So then I mashed up a banana and gave that to her. She loved that as well. So for the next few days, she got more rice cereal and banana. Here I am thinking "this is great, she is sleeping better, she loves eating, life is good, no problem". Well, I should have known better. To someone whose belly is only used to breast milk (which is like a natural laxative, seriously people), it was like a shock to the system. The poor thing was backed up for over a week and nothing seemed to help. I had to do things that no mom should ever have to do. We had to whip up a drink we called the "Poo Cocktail" daily and it still didn't work. But finally today, relief. It's amazing how a little thing like poo can control an entire week of your life. I am relieved that she is relieved!