Well sort of. We are working on trying to get things back to normal around here. But the good news is...SHE'S HERE!!!
Carolena Margaret
Saylor (aka "Baby Sister") arrived October 28
th at 3:37 p.m. She was 7lbs 6 oz and 19 1/2 inches. Technically I was induced, but the doctor said I probably would have been in that day anyways since when I got there my contractions were coming regularly. Labor was pretty uneventful and easy (I can say that now :)) When I delivered, there was 12 people in the room including myself and
Carolena, so she had her first big birthday celebration! And she really came out screaming, what I thought would be a sign of things to come. However, she has just been the most perfect little princess! I haven't heard her scream like that since she came out.
The boys love her so much and are so great with her. They both love giving her kisses and holding her. B5 especially has taken to her. He calls her his "little princess". It is so sweet, it just melts my heart! We all love this little girl so much and feel so blessed to have her with us finally.
I will try and get back to posting regularly, but for now, I will leave you with some eye candy!